4-H - the possibilities are endless!
4-H Name and Emblem Policy
Member's Personal 4-H Record Book
4-H National Campaign - Revolution of Responsibility
4-H projects provide youth with the opportunity to build life skills that may be applied to future career choices. The 4-H snapshot sheet series
covers what 4-H’ers can learn from projects, ways to get involved and resources for learning more:
4-H Project Snapshop Sheets

Click the clover to see the
4-H Pledge! |
"Take a look at us now!"
Now not only rural kids but city and suburban kids who can't own farm animals or
do larger agricultural projects have a chance to become a part of the magic that
is 4-H.
All kids can gain the knowledge, family values, and pride that 4-H instills in kids
when they know they have done a project from the beginning to the end, on their
For young people, ages 5-19, 4-H provides fun, educational opportunities through
4-H groups, after school /in school programs and local, state, national and international
For older teens, 4-H offers the opportunity to test and develop leadership skills
as 4-H volunteers, sharing their skills in a variety of programs and project areas
with younger 4-H'ers.
For adults, 4-H offers support and training in learning methods and materials to
help them plan activities and projects in safe, nurturing environments.
For more detailed information about our 4-H Youth Programs in St. Clair County hook
up with us by dialing (810) 989-6935.
KIDS-Make sure it's OK with Mom or Dad first!