St. Clair County Parks & Recreation Commission
New Admission Booth at Fort Gratiot County Park for Out-of-County Residents
In order to make Fort Gratiot County Park more accessible to ALL St. Clair County residents, an admission booth has been added to the park entrance.
From Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, County Parks will be charging an admittance fee to non-county residents at Fort Gratiot County Park.
Residents of St. Clair County will have free entry. With proof of residency, county residents will receive a window decal upon entry to be displayed on their windshield
for free parking, while non-county residents will pay an admittance fee of $20 per day, per vehicle. Fees for out-of-county residents will be charged Friday through Sunday
and on holidays during the park’s summer hours. Cash and credit card payments will be accepted at the booth. Parking passes are non-refundable and only issued upon arrival at the park.
For more information, please contact St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission office at (810) 989-6960.
Parks and Recreation has moved to 8254 County Park Drive, Goodells, MI 48027.
The St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission is funded by a special 0.49
mill property tax for the purpose of improving parks and recreation services in
St. Clair County.
The St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission currently operates the 365-acre Goodells County Park, 411-acre Columbus
County Park, 30-acre Fort Gratiot County Park, 45-acre Woodsong County Park, 5-acre Fort Gratiot Light Station, 4-acre Wetland
County Park, the Marine City Dredge Cut and the 12-mile long Wadhams to Avoca Trail. The Commission also assists local units of
government with the development and promotion of the Bridge to Bay Trail.
The Parks and Recreation Commission also provides specialized mobile recreation
units for use at community events including two portable stages, two portable
bleacher units, and crowd control barriers.
St. Clair County Parks offers a wide range of recreational opportunities
including, but not limited to:
- biking
- rollerblading/inline skating
- horseback riding
- canoeing/kayaking
- sledding
- swimming
- bird watching
- geocaching
- historic tours/ interpretation
- special events
- fishing
- hunting
- sightseeing
- playground activities
- picnics
- facility rentals
St. Clair County Parks works in partnership with several local groups that
provide programming within the St. Clair County Parks system. Those partners
include the Port Huron Museum, St. Clair County Farm Museum, Wales Historical
Society, Can-Am BMX, Prop Busters RC planes, Redline Racing RC cars and Earth
Finally, the Parks and Recreation Commission distributes 25% of the property tax
it collects, back to local units of government based on their populations, for
the development of local parks and recreation facilities and programs.
Parks & Recreation links:

Contact Information
St. Clair County Parks and Recreation
8254 County Park Drive
Goodells, MI 48027