St. Clair County 31st Circuit Court
The Circuit Court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Michigan. In general,
the circuit court handles all civil cases with claims of more than $25,000 and all
criminal cases where the accused, if found guilty, could be sent to prison. The
family division of the circuit court handles all divorce, paternity, juvenile offenses,
and child abuse and neglect cases. In addition, the circuit court hears cases appealed
from another court or by an administrative agency.
The 31st Circuit Court of St. Clair County is dedicated to protecting rights, dispensing
equal justice in all matters, and providing the highest quality of professional
services in a prompt and polite manner recognizing and respecting the dignity of
each person served by the courts.
The St. Clair County Courthouse, which houses the Circuit Court Offices, is open
to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily
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