72nd District Court
Mental Health Court Division
Phone: 810-985-2184
Fax: 810-985-2179

The St. Clair County Mental Health Court is a joint initiative between the St.
Clair County court system and St. Clair County Community Mental Health. Persons
eligible for the program include individuals with a severe mental illness or
developmental disability who have committed a criminal offense. Mental Health
Court referrals can come from a variety of sources including judges, attorneys,
mental health professionals, law enforcement professionals or family members.
Click here to download a Mental Health Court Referral Form.
What Happens Once an Individual is accepted to the Mental Health Court?
Once the Mental Health Court team determines that an individual is eligible for
the program, the case is transferred to the Mental Health Court docket and the
Mental Health Court team develops a set of terms that the individual must
follow. These terms vary from participant to participant and are developed based
on the individual’s unique circumstances.
Examples of Mental Health Court Terms Include: |
- Participate in weekly individual therapy sessions
- Take all psychotropic medications as prescribed
- Refrain from the use of alcohol and drugs
Individuals are given the option of whether or not they would like to
participate. If they decide not to participate, the case remains within the
traditional court system.
How Long Can an Individual Participate in Mental Health Court?
An individual is able to participate in the Mental Health Court program for up
to two years. During this time, the court team closely monitors the
participant’s progress and imposes sanctions (i.e., community service) or awards
incentives (i.e., gift certificates) as appropriate.
Once all of the Mental Health Court terms are followed and the plan is completed
successfully, the individual’s court case is resolved, and he or she is diverted
from the criminal court system.
What is the Role of Community Mental Health?
The St. Clair County Community Mental Health supports coordinator acts as a
liaison between CMH and the court system. The supports coordinator attends all
Mental Health Court hearings, keeps in regular contact with the judge and
probation officer, provides input to the court regarding treatment progress, and
assists participants through the court process.
It is the role of the supports coordinator to monitor treatment progress through
regular contact with the participant’s Community Mental Health treatment plan.
Contact Information
Rebeccah Shafran
Mental Health Court Coordinator
72nd District Court
Mental Health Court Division
Room 2800, County Building
201 McMorran Blvd.
Port Huron MI 48060
(810) 985-2184
(810) 982-2179 (fax)
Email: Mental Health Court Coordinator