Local Emergency Planning Committee
Superfund Amendment And Reauthorization
Act (SARA) Title III is a federally mandated program to insure a coordinated planning
and response effort between industries, St. Clair County and local governments in
the event of a hazardous substance release into air, land, and/or water.
Congress enacted this law to help local
communities protect public health, public safety and the environment from chemical
hazards. The Act also provides a means for citizens to have access to information
on chemicals located in their communities under the Community Right-To-Know.
Hazardous substance facilities are on file
in St. Clair County that could have one or more of the approximately 1,450+ regulated
hazardous substances. If these substances were released, they would have an immediate
effect upon the community.
Some of the facilities are categorized as
Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) facilities. In St. Clair County, Chlorine, sulfuric
acid, ammonia, and nitric acid are among the most common EHSs.
The St. Clair County LEPC also works to:
Identify and assist facilities subject to
SARA Title III requirements.
Take reports of accidental hazardous substance
release/spill notifications when released off site of the facility.
Develop and provide public education and
informational materials.
Identify transportation routes used for
extremely hazardous substances and plan for and respond to transportation incidents.
Assist pre-hospital responders in planning
and training to protect themselves and treat patients, and identify area hospital's
hazardous substances capabilities.
A volunteer committee, risk analysis, reviews facilities which store certain chemicals
to develop emergency plans. Recommendations are then given for review to the advisory
If you have any questions about SARA Title
III or the L.E.P.C., contact Becky Mayes at the Office of Emergency Management:
(810) 989-6965 or
E-Mail Becky.
Contact Information
Office of Homeland Security / Emergency Management
295 Airport Drive
Kimball, MI 48074