St. Clair County is certified by the National Weather Service as a StormReady Community.
StormReady is a program aimed at arming America's Communities with the communication
and safety skills necessary to save lives and property. StormReady prepares communities
with an action plan that responds to the threat of all types of severe weather.
The Local National Weather Service forecast office worked with St. Clair County
Office of Emergency Management to complete the application and review process. To
be officially StormReady, St. Clair County:
- Establish a 24-hour warning point and emergency operations center;
- Have more than one way to receive severe weather forecast and warnings to alert
the public;
- Create a system that monitors local weather conditions.
- Promote the importance of public readiness through community seminars
- Develop a formal hazardous weather plan, which includes training severe weather
spotters and holding emergency exercises.
On September 25, 2002, the National Weather Service certified St. Clair County as
a StormReady Community and issued road signs for posting in the county. The certification
is good for three (3) years.

Contact Information
Office of Homeland Security / Emergency Management
295 Airport Drive
Kimball, MI 48074