Friend of Court > Support > Child Care

Child Care

The Formula also provides that a non-custodial parent pay a portion of work-related child care expenses incurred by the custodial parent. Work-related child care expenses include those child care costs which allow the parent to look for employment, retain paid employment, or to enroll in and attend an educational program. Both parents are required to inform each other and the Friend of Court of any changes in child care expenses. Payer’s child care obligation is calculated based on each party’s income and verified out-of-pocket child care expenses. (Federal child care credit is factored into the calculation). Child care is calculated on a pro-rated yearly basis and charged monthly as a separate obligation. Parenting time abatement is NOT given on the child care account (as only the weeks child care expenses are incurred are factored into the calculation). Child care shall stop effective the date that it is no longer incurred. Upon notice to the Friend of Court, a proposed order will be sent to the parties with an objection notice. If child care is no longer being incurred, the order shall enter. Child care costs may not continue past the month of August following the child’s 12th birthday.

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