What Does a Prosecutor’s Office Do?

The Prosecuting Attorney is a member of the executive branch of County
government and is independent of the Michigan Attorney General.
The Prosecuting Attorney is responsible for a wide array of legal functions for
the county, including:
- Act as the chief law enforcement officer of the County
- Review, authorize and prosecute violations of felony and misdemeanor criminal laws of the State of Michigan and County ordinances committed inside the County
- Authorize and prosecute felony and misdemeanor juvenile delinquency offenses
- Represent the State and the County in criminal matters before the District & Circuit Courts; juvenile delinquency, parental neglect and miscellaneous probate matters in the Family Court, and appeals in the Court of Appeals and Michigan Supreme Court
- Advise the Department of Human Services on child abuse and neglect petitions, and represent them in actions to terminate parental rights
- Attend contested mental health commitment hearings in Probate Court
- File and prosecute actions to establish paternity
- File and prosecute actions to establish or enforce child support orders
Contact Information
St. Clair County Prosecuting Attorney
201 McMorran Blvd., Suite 3300
Port Huron, MI 48060
Photos courtesy of the Port Huron Times Herald and St. Clair County Sheriff's Department