
24-44 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Professional Nurse Supervisors Association-MNA Unit 2
24-43 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Professional Nurses Association-MNA Unit 1
24-42 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Juvenile Counselors Association
24-41 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Friend of the Court Supervisors Association
24-40 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Human Resource Employees Union (TPOAM)
24-39 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the Department of Health and Human Service Board
24-38 Vacant
24-37 Adopting 2025 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending the 2024 General and Special Revenue Funds Budgets
24-36 Establishing Compensation for the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
24-35 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
24-34 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Communicaitons Officers (POLC)
24-33 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Probate Clerical Employees Union-TPOAM
24-32 Approving Annual Wage Adjustments for The County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
24-31 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2025
24-30 Annual Reversion of Available Fund Balance From Other Funds to the General Fund and Subsequent Distributions
24-29 Relative to Annual County at Large Drain Assessments
24-28 Adopting the 80/20 Cost Sharing Model as set forth in the Publically Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act No. 152 of 2011
24-27 Waiving Investment Interest Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
24-26 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
24-25 St. Clair County 2025 General Appropriations Resolution
24-24 Performance Resolution for Municipalities
24-23 SCC BOC Resolution to Accept Grant Funds from MI DNR for Improvements of SCC Noth Channel County Park
24-22 SCC BOC Resolution to Support and Authorize the Submission of a Grant Application "Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program"
24-21 Apportioning Taxes for 2024
24-20 Resolution Imposing 2024 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of Tax Levy
24-19 Revising Criminal Indigent Defense Counsel Rate of Pay for St. Clair County Public Defender
24-18 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between SCC and Prosecuting Attorney
24-17 Vacant
24-16 An Ordinance Amending Parts of the St. Clair County Employees' Retirement System Ordinance
24-15 SCC BOC Resolution to App MI DNR Recreation Passport Grant Prog Agreement-Dev of North Channel Park, Clay Twp and Commit Millage Funds for Local Match
24-14 Vacant
24-13 Vacant
24-12 Resolution to Submit a Notice of Intent to Commence Materials Management Planning
24-11 Resolution Imposing 2024 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tax Levy
24-10 Parents Rights to Direct the Education of their Children without Government Interference
24-09 Approving the 2024 St. Clair County Equalization Report
24-08 County of St. Clair Resolution 24-08 Re: Election Integrity
24-07 Supporting Citizens for Local Choice Initiative
24-06 Vacant
24-05 Placing Proposal for Additional St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Millage on Ballot
24-04 Placing Proposed Renewal of Millage for A Drug Task Force on Ballot
24-03 Placing Proposed Millage for Road Improvement on the Ballot
24-02 Placing Proposed St. Clair County Veteran Affairs Millage on the Ballot
24-01 Authorized Signatories of County of St. Clair, Michigan
23-39 Resolution Designating St Clair County Michigan a Second Amendment Sanctuary
23-38 Approving Purchase of Property 2425 Pointe Tremble Rd, Clay Township
23-37 Adoption of the St. Clair County Master Plan
23-36 Resolution Pledging Full Faith and Credit for the Carrigan and Grace Drain Drainage Dist Drain Bonds, Series 2024 (General Obligation Limited Tax)
23-35 SCC BOC Resolution to support the submission of a grant application to The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund for the purpose of installing a year-round
23-34 Apportioning Taxes for 2023
23-33 Adopting 2024 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending the 2023 General and Special Revenue Funds Budget
23-32 St. Clair County 2024 General Appropriations Resolutions
23-31 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
23-30 Resolution to Adopt the 80/20 Cost Sharing Model as set forth in the Publically Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act No 152 of 2011
23-29 Relative to Annual County At Large Drain Assessments
23-28 Approving Annual Wage Adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
23-27 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2024
23-26 Waiving Investment Interest Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
23-25 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
23-24 Resolution Imposing 2023 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of Tax Levy
23-23 Authorizing Metro Planning Comm to Apply for 2023 MSHDA Chill Grant Funding & Designating County Board Chair & Admin/Controller as Authorized Signers
23-22 Vacant
23-21 SCC BOC opposing any Legislation preempting Local Control for solar and wind developments
23-20 Authorizing the Establishment of a Capital Improvement Fund for Capital and Facility Needs of the 72nd District Court
23-19 SCC BOC resolution to accept the terms of the agreement for MNRTF Grant TF22-0008 for phase 1 development at North Channel County Park
23-18 Resolution Pledging Full Faith and Credit for the Howe Brandymore Drain Drainage District Drain Bonds, Series 2023
23-17 Order of Determination to Alter the Boundaries of the Village of Capac
23-16 Revising Criminal Indigent Defense Counsel Rate of Pay for St. Clair County Public Defender
23-15 Approving the Area Agency on Aging 1-B FY 2024 Annual Implementation Plan
23-14 St. Clair County International Airport
23-13 Vacant
23-12 Concerning recognition and support of comments of U.S. Representative Lisa McClain contained in the United States Congressional Record
23-11 Resolution Imposing 2023 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tax Levy
23-10 SCC BOC to Submit to MI DNR Spark Program Fund a Development Grant Application for Inclusive Play Features at North Channetl County Park
23-09 Performance Resolution for Municipalities
23-08 St Clair County International Airport - Approving the Airport Rescue Grant Agreement
23-07 Setting Court Appointed Attorney Rate of Pay for St. Clair County Circuit Court
23-06 Approving the 2023 St Clair County Equalization Report
23-05 Authorizing entry of participation agreements in partial settlement of the National Prescription Opiate Litigation and entry of State Local Government
23-04 HONORING the Michigan Association of Counties' 125th Anniversary
23-03 SCC BOC Resolution MI DNR Trust Fund Grant App Phase II North Channel
23-02 SCC BOC Resolution MI DNR Recreation Passport Program Fund Grant App Phase II North Channel
23-01 Authorized Signatories of County of St. Clair, Michigan
22-64 Amending Resolution 22 - 56 LDFA Loan
22-63 Amending Resolution 22-43 Apportionment Report for 2022
22-62 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and SCC Court and SCC Prosecuting Attorneys Association
22-61 Setting Criminal Indigent Defense Cousel Rate of Pay for St. Clair County Public Defender
22-60 SCC BOC Resolution to Recommend Submission to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) 2023 High Water Infrastructure
22-59 Approving a One-Time Retention Payment for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
22-58 Annual Reversion of Available Fund Balance From Other Funds to the General Fund and Subsequent Distributions
22-57 Adopting 2023 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending the 2022 General and Special Revenue Funds Budgets
22-56 St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
22-55 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and Professional Nurses Association - MNA Unit 1
22-54 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
22-53 St. Clair County International Airport - Maintenance of Automatic Weather Observation System
22-52 Resolution to Adopt the 80/20 Cost Sharing Model as set forth in the Publically Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act No. 152 of 2011
22-51 Relative to Annual County At Large Drain Assessments
22-50 St. Clair County 2023 General Appropriations Resolution
22-49 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
22-48 Establishing Compensation for the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
22-47 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the Department of Health and Human Service Board
22-46 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2023
22-45 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
22-44 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and SCC Courts and SCC Bailiffs Assoc-TPOAM
22-43 Apportioning Taxes for 2022
22-42 Waiving investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
22-41 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and Communication Officers Union P.O.A.M
22-40 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and Friend of the Court Supervisors Association
22-39 State Disaster Contingency Fund Grant
22-38 Imposing 2022 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of Tax Levy
22-37 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and SCC Sheriff's Dept & SCC Corrections Command C.O.A.M
22-36 Amending Resolution 22-14 dated 4/21/2022 awarding grant to Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County for Economic Development Initiative
22-35 SCC BOC resolution to accept the terms of the agreement for MNRTF acquisition grant project TF21-0083 for the purchase of property located along
22-34 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Circuit Court and St. Clair County Circuit Court Family Super.
22-33 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Circuit Court and St. Clair County Probate Clerical Employees
22-32 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Circuit Court and St. Clair County Juvenile Counselors Assoc
22-31 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County
22-30 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between St. Clair County and Friend of the Court Employees Union TPOAM
22-29 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Courts and District Court Employees Union AFSCME 1518
22-28 St. Clair County International Airport
22-27 Adoption of The St. Clair County Hazard Mitigation Plan
22-26 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County & Public Service Employees Union AFSCME 1089 Treasurer Office Employees
22-25 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County & Public Service Employees Union AFSCME 1089 Prosecuting Attorney Clerical Employee
22-24 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Public Service Employees Union AFSCME 1089 Clerk & Register of Deeds Office
22-23 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Human Resources Employees Union TPOAM
22-22 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between St. Clair County and Public Service Employees Union AFSCME 1089
22-21 St. Clair County International Airport
22-20 Authorizing the Establishment of a Capital Improvement Fund for Capital and Facility Needs of the 72nd District Court
22-19 Employment Services Resolution - Michigan Works! Opposing Wagner-Peyser Rule Change
22-18 Imposing 2022 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of county allocated tax levy
22-17 Approving the area agency on aging 1-B FY 2023-2025 Multi-Year Plan
22-16 Approving a Brownfield Plan by the County of St. Clair Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Act 381 of the Public Acts
22-15 Raytifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and SCC Sheriff Department and Corrections Deputies and Professional Employees Union (POLC)
22-14 Awarding grant to Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County for Economic Development Initiative
22-13 Approving the 2022 St Clair County Equalization Report
22-12 Authorized Signatories of County of St. Clair, Michigan
22-11 St. Clair County Ambulance Services Millage on Ballot
22-10 Placing Proposed Library System Millage on Ballot
22-09 Authorizing SEMCOG as the collective designated planning agency and authorizing the application of the Materials Management Grant
22-08 SCC BOC to submit to the MI Dept of Natural Resources trust fund a development grant application for improvements at North Channel County Park
22-07 SCC BOC to submit to the MI Dept. of Natural Resources trust fund a development grant application for improvements at Goodells County Park
22-06 SCC BOC to submit to the MI Dept. of Natural Resources recreation passport fund a development grant app. for improvements at Goodells County Park
22-05 SCC BOC to submit to the MI Dept. of Natural Resources Trust Fund a development grant app. for improvements at Columbus County Park and the commitment
22-04 SCC BOC to submit to the MI Dept. of Natural Resources Recreation Passport Fund a Development Grant App. for improvements at Columbus Park
22-03 Placing proposed renewal for St. Clair County Senior Millage on Ballot
22-02 Placing proposed renewal for St. Clair County Parks & Recreation Millage on ballot
22-01 SCC BOC Adoption of St. Clair County Master Recreation Plan 2022-2026
21-36 Adopting 2022 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending the 2021 General and Special Revenue Fudns Budgets
21-35 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the SCC Road Commission
21-34 Authorizing Entry of Patricipation Agreements in the Partial Settlement of the National Prescription Opiate Litigation
21-33 Authorizing entry of State Local Government Intrastate Agreement Concerning Allocation of Settlement Proceeds in the National Opiods Litigation
21-32 Waiving Investment Interest Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
21-31 Adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set forth in the publically funded health insurance contribution act no. 152 of 2011
21-30 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
21-29 Establishing Salaries of specific elected and non-elected officers for 2022
21-28 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commisions
21-27 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Circuit Court Family Supervisors & Probate & Public Guardian Employees Assoc.
21-26 Authorize submission of a grant application to community foundation of Southeast Michigan - Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund
21-25 Authorize payment & execution of closing and grant award documents as necessary for the final acquisition of property along the North Channel
21-24 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Juvenile Counselors Association
21-23 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Probate Court & 31st Judicial Circuit Court-Family Division Clerical Employees (TPOAM)
21-22 2022 General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding Bonds as Qualified Tax Exempt Obligations
21-21 Relative to Annual County at Large Drain Assessments
21-20 St. Clair County 2022 General Appropriations Resolutions
21-19 Imposing 2021 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of tax levy
21-18 Apportioning taxes for 2021
21-17 St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
21-16 Pledging full faith and credit for the Holland Drainage District Drainage District Bonds, Series 2021
21-15 Belle River Intercounty Drain Note
21-14 Authorizing 2022 General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding Bonds
21-13 Resolution Approving the Area Agency on Aging 1-B FY 2022 Annual Implementation Plan
21-12 St. Clair County International Airport - Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting
21-11 To accept the terms of the agreement for MNRTF acquisition grant project TF20-0073 for the purchase of 16.25 acres of property along the North Channel
21-10 To oppose legislation privatizing Michigan's Mental Health System
21-09 Approving the submission of a deficit elimination plan to the Michigan Department of Treasury
21-08 Imposing 2021 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certifcation of County allocated tax levy
21-07 To enforce voluntary compliance with COVID-19 Mitigation Strategoes
21-06 Authorized signatories of County of St. Clair, Michigan
21-05 Approving the 2021 St. Clair County Equalization Report
21-04 Approving a Brownfield Plan by the County of St. Clair Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of ACT 381 fo the PA of State of MI
21-03 Resolution to continue the Declaration of a State of Emergency for the County of St. Clair
21-02 Resolution to submit land acquisition grant application for the purchase of 0.613 acres of property near the north channel of the St. Clair River
21-01 Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program Grant Application
20-56 Resolution Supporting Line 5 Tunnel
20-55 Adopting 2021 special revenue funds budgets, amending the 2020 general and special revenue funds budgets
20-54 Resolution to authorize declaration of a State of Emergency for the County of St. Clair
20-53 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the St. Clair County Corrections Supervisors -COAM
20-52 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Human Resources Assoc. - TPOAM
20-51 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC and SCC Public Service Employees AFSCME 1089-Treasurers Clerical Employees
20-50 Setting Criminal Indigent defense counsel rate of pay for St. Clair County Public Defender
20-49 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St Clair County Public Service Employees AFSCME 1089 Prosecuting Attorney
20-48 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Public Service Employees AFSCME 1089 Clerk/Register of Deeds
20-47 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Communications Officers
20-46 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Sheriff Department Supervisors - COAM
20-45 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the St. Clair County Juvenile Counselors Association
20-44 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Friend of Court Supervisors
20-43 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Professional Nurses Association - MI nurses Association Unit 1
20-42 Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program (MLAP) Grant Application
20-41 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the St. Clair County 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Supervisors and Probate Court Employees
20-40 Ratifying collective bagaining agreement between SCC and SCC Court Bailiff Assoc.
20-39 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County AFSCME 1089 Public Service Employees
20-38 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the St Clair County Probate Court and 31st Judicial Circuit Court - Family Div. Clerical Employees - TPOAM
20-37 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the Association of Professional employees of the St. Clair County Prosecuting Attorney
20-36 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the St. Clair County Corrections Deputies and Professional Employees Teamsters Local #214
20-35 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County District Court Employees AFSCME 1518
20-34 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St Clair County and Friend of the Court Employees - TPOAM
20-33 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Professional Nurse Supervisors Association
20-30 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
20-29 Establishing Salaries of specific County elected and non-elected officers for 2021
20-28 Establishing compensation to be paid to Members of the St Clair County Road Commission
20-27 Establishing compensation to be paid to Members of the Department of Health and Human Service Board
20-26 Establishing compensation for the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
20-25 St. Clair County 2021 General Appropriations Resolution
20-24 Resolution to Adopt the 80/20 Cost Sharing model as set forth in the Publically Funded Health Insurance Contribution act No. 152 of 2011
20-23 Relative to Annual County at Large Drain Assessments
20-22 Waiving Investment Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
20-21 Relative to "Per Diems' for Boards and Commissions
20-20 Resolution imposing 2020 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and noitce of certification of tax levy
20-19 Apportioning Taxes for 2020
20-18 Authorizing Karry A. Hepting, Administrator/Controller, to sign an interim land contract for 318 Grand River Ave, Port Huron MI
20-17 Authorizing Karry A. Hepting, Administrator/Controller, to close the transaction for the sale of 318 Grand River Avenue
20-16 CDBG Cares Funding Authorizing Resolution
20-15 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC and SCC Corrections Deputies and Professional Employees Teamsters Local #214
20-14 Approving Pace Special Assessment ( Hip Hip, Huron! LLC)
20-13 Approving place special assessment agreement ( Planet Clair, LLC)
20-12 SCC International Airport - Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting
20-11 St. Clair County Decleration against any form of racism and in favor of social equity and justice
20-10 Imposing 2020 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of County allocated tax levy
20-09 Placing Proposed Renewal of Millage for a Drug Task Force on a Ballot
20-08 Approving the 2020 St. Clair County Equalization Report
20-07 Placing Proposed Millage for Road Improvement on the Ballot
20-06 Vacant
20-05 Ordinance rescinding ordinance No. 01-70 possession of dangerous weapons on County Property
20-04 Submit land acquisition grant application for the purchase of up to 16.25 acres of property along the north channel of St Clair River located in Cl
20-03 St. Clair County 2nd Amendment Resolution
20-02 Approving Submission of Coastal Zone Management Grant Application for the St. Clair/Macomb Coastal Birding Trail
20-01 Resolution Authorizing 2020 General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding Bonds (Taxable)
19-42 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & Association of Professional Employees of the SCC Prosecuting Attorney
19-41 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Human Resources Association - TPOAM
19-40 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Corrections Command Officers - COAM
19-39 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Professional Nurses Association - MI Nurses Association Unit 1
19-38 Ratifying Annual Wage Adjustments for the SCC Juvenile Counselors Association
19-37 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Professional Nurse Supervisors Assoc - MI Nurses Association Unit II
19-36 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Public Service Employees AFSCME 1089 Prosecuting Attorney Clerical Employees
19-35 Authorizing Karry Hepting, County Administrator/Controller to sign closing Pace documents
19-34 Ratifying Annual Wage Adjustments for the SCC FOC Supervisors
19-33 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Probate Court & 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division Clerical Employees TPOAM
19-32 Ratifying Collective Bargainging Agreement between SCC & SCC Court Bailiff Association
19-31 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between SCC & SCC Public Service Employees AFSCME 1089
19-30 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC and FOC Employees - TPOAM
19-29 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC and SCC Communications Officers
19-28 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC and SCC District Court Employees AFSCME 1518
19-27 Annual Reversion of Available Fun Balance from other funds to the general fund & subsequent distributions
19-26 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Circuit Court Family Supervisors & Probate Employees
19-25 Ratifying Annual Wage Adjustments for the SCC Sheriff Command COAM
19-24 Adopting 2020 special revenue funds budgets, amending the 2019 general & special budget
19-23 SCC 2020 General Appropriations Resolution
19-22 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non Union Employees(CANUE)
19-21 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected & Non Elected Officers for 2020
19-20 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
19-19 To adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set forth in the publically funded Health Insurance Contribution Act No. 152 of 2011
19-18 Waiving investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
19-17 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
19-16 Relative to annual county at large drain assessments
19-15 Supporting Passage of Legislation to adopt four-year terms for County Commissioners
19-14 Apportioning Taxes for 2019
19-13 Approving a Brownfield Plan by the County of St. Clair Pursuant to and in accordance with the Provision of Act 381 of the PA of the State of MI
19-12 Imposing 2019 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of tax levy
19-11 State of Michigan Federal Surplus Assistance Program
19-10 Opposition to the Termination of the State Contract with Lakeshore Regional Entity
19-09 Approving the re-declaration of a local state of emergency for 28 days
19-08 Approving the Area Agency on Aging 1-B FY 2020-2022 Annual Implementation Plan
19-07 Imposing 2019 Property tax levy pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of county allocated tax levy
19-06 Adopting new fee schedule for dog license fees and remuneration of issuing and recording dog licenses
19-05 Approving the 2019 St. Clair County Equalization Report
19-04 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC BOC & SCC Sheriff & SCC Sheriff Supervisors COAM
19-03 Vacant
19-02 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Sheriff Department Employees- POAM
19-01 Financial Depository Resolution for the County of St. Clair
18-54 Resolution approving PACE Special Assessment Agreement (HIP,HIP, HURON! LLC)
18-53 Adopting 2019 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending the 2018 General & Special Revnue Fund Budgets
18-51 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between BOC & Sheriff's Dept & Corrections Command Officers - COAM
18-50 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Bailiff Association
18-49 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division & BOC & SCC 31st Circuit Court Family Div Supervisor
18-48 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Human Resources Specialists & Clerks Employees Assoc
18-47 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Corrections Deputies and Professional Employees Teamsters #214 Act 312 Arbitration ineligible
18-46 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Professional nurses association - MI Nurses Association - Unit I
18-45 Ratifying annual wage ajdustments for the SCC Professional Nurses Association - MI Nurses Assoc - Unit II
18-44 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Juvenile Counselors Association
18-43 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the County BOC and SCC Communications Officers P.O.A.M
18-42 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC District Court Employees Chapter 15 of Local #1518
18-41 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Public Service Employees Local 1089
18-40 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the Department of Health and Human Service Board
18-39 Establishing Compensation for the SCC BOC
18-38 Resolution supporting the Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program Grant
18-37 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the Assoc of professional employees of the SCC Prosecuting Attorney
18-36 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the FOC employees - TPOAM
18-35 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the 31st Judicial circuit court family division FOC Supervisors Assoc
18-34 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Circuit Court family division & probate court employees assoc
18-33 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC court bailiff's assoc. chapter of local #1518 council #25 AFSCME
18-32 St. Clair County International Airport Rehabilitate Runway 4/22
18-31 Approving Annual Wage Adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Emmployees (CANUE)
18-30 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2019
18-29 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the SCC Road Commission
18-28 Relative to annual county at large drain assessments
18-27 SCC 2019 General Appropriations Resolution
18-26 Resolution to Adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set forth in the publically funded health insurance contribution act no 152 of 2011
18-25 Waiving investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
18-24 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
18-23 Apportioning Taxes for 2018
18-22 Resolution imposing 2018 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of tax levy
18-21 St. Clair County Animal Control and Protection Ordinance
18-20 Resolution requesting the designation of Lighthouse Beach to be the official end to the Great Lake-to-Lake Trail Route 1, South Haven to Port Huron
18-19 Adopting new fee schedule for dog license fees and remuneration of issuing and recording dog licenses
18-18 Local Governing Body Resolution for Charitable Gaming Licenses
18-17 Resolution to Accept the Terms of the agreement for Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Development Grant Project Number TF17-0089
18-16 An Ordinance amending parts of the SCC Employees' Retirement System Ordinance
18-15 Approving the submission of a deficit elimination plan to the Michigan Dept of Treasury
18-14 Approving the Area Agency on Aging 1-B FY 2019 Annual Implementation Plan
18-13 To Approve Outside Counsel For Opiod Litigation
18-12 Imposing 2018 Property Tax Levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of Certification of County Allocated Taxy Levy
18-11 To Establish a Commissary Fund
18-10 Approving the 2018 St. Clair County Equalization Report
18-09 Placing proposed renewal for SCC Senior MIllage on Ballot
18-08 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the BOC and SCC Sheriff & SCC Sheriff Depart. Supervisors COAM
18-07 Resolution approving pace special assessment agreement (Planet Clair, LLC)
18-06 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC Sheriff's Depart. & the County of St. Clair BOC and SCC Sheriff Department Employees POAM
18-05 St. Clair County has partnered with the Community Foundation to acquire property at the south end of the River Walk using Michigan Natural Resources
18-04 Order of determination to alter the boundaries of the Village of Capac
18-03 Resolution supporting the Bluewater Ferry, a service connecting Sombra, Ontario and Marine City, MI
18-02 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC & SCC Communications Officers P.O.A.M
18-01 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and SCC Public Service Employees Local 1089
17-48 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between 72nd District Court & BOC & District Court Employees Chapter 15 of local #1518
17-47 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the BOC & SCC Human Resources Clerks & Specialists
17-46 Resolution pledging full faith & credit for the Green Drain Drainage District
17-45 Resolution pledging full faith & credit for th Stocks Creek & Branches Drain Drainage District
17-44 Apportioning Taxes for 2017
17-43 Ratifyling collective bargaining agreement between SCC 31st judicial circuit court & BOC & SCC Bailiffs Asscoiation
17-42 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC Prosecuting Attorney & BOC & Assoc of Professional employees of SCC Pros
17-41 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission to apply for a Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program Grant for a Blueways Strategic Plan
17-40 Resolution to Adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set forth in the Publically funded Health Insurance contribution act no. 152 of 2011
17-39 Establishing compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
17-38 Adopting 2018 special revenuw funds budgets amending the 2017 general & special revenue funds budgets
17-37 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
17-36 Establishing salaries of specific County elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2018
17-35 Relative to "Per Diems" for boards and commissions
17-34 Waiving investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
17-33 St Clair County 2018 General Approriatins Resolutions
17-32 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC 31st Circuit Court Family Division & BOC & SCC Professional Nurse Association- MI Nurses Assoc
17-31 Approving a Brownfield Plan by the County of St. Clair Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of act 381 of the PA of the State of Michigan
17-30 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC Sheriff Dept. & SCC Corrections Deputies & Professional Employees Teamsters#214 ACT 312
17-29 Relative to annual County At Large Drain Assessments
17-28 9-1-1 Service Supplier
17-27 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC 31st Circuit Court Family Division & BOC & SCC Professional Nurse Supervisors Assoc
17-26 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC 31st Circuit Court Family Div. & BOC & SCC 31st Circuit Family Div. FOC Employees
17-25 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC Probate Court & 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division & BOC & T.P.O.A.M
17-24 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between SCC 31st Judicial Circuit Family Division & BOC & SCC 31st Circuit Court FOC Supervisors
17-23 Apportioning Taxes for 2017
17-22 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Juvenile Counselors Association
17-21 Resolution imposing 2017 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of Tax Levy
17-20 St. Clair County International Airport - Maintenance of Automatic Weather Observation System
17-19 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division Supervisors Association
17-18 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Circuit Court Family Division & Probate Court Employees Association
17-17 St. Clair County International Airport - Desgian Rehabilitation of ILS Runway 4-22; ILS Runway 4-22 Lighting; and Rehabilitation of Runway 10-28 Crack
17-16 Supporting the Construction of a New Lock at Sault Ste Marie, Michigan
17-15 Resolution approving the submission of a deficit elimination plan to the Michigan Department of Treasury
17-14 Resolution approving the Area Agency on Aging 1-B FY 2018 Annual Implementation Plan
17-13 Supporting the selection of Selfridge Air National Guard Base for the F-35 Lightning II Fighter
17-12 Resolutin approving the establishment of a property assessed clean energy program
17-11 Authorizing administration to give notice of and terminate the OCM Development LLC agreement
17-10 Resolution of intent to establish a property assessed clean energy program and calling public hearing
17-09 Imposing 2016 property tax levy pursuan to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of cerification of county aloocated tax levy
17-08 Opposing the Construction of a Nuclear Waste Respository in the Great Lakes Basin
17-07 Authorizing Voting System Grant and Purchase
17-06 Approving the 2017 St. Clair County Equalization Report
17-05 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission to apply for 2017 MSHDA home grant funding
17-04 Ordinance to protect wake damage to property
17-03 SCC BOC resolution to submit applications to the MDNR recreation passport & the MI natural resources trust fund grant programs for the development
17-02 Adoption of County Master Recreation Plan 2017-2021
17-01 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission to apply for a Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program grant for a Blueways Strategic Plan
16-66 Authority to execute and accept documents regarding the liqour license held by the SCC BOC for the Blue Water Convention Center
16-65 Ratifying annual wage ajdustments for the SCC corrections command officers - COAM
16-64 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC communication officers-POAM
16-63 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC circuit court family division and probate court employees association
16-62 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the 31st judicial circuit court family division supervisors association
16-61 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC circuit court family division and probate court employees association
16-60 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for th 72nd judicial district court employees chapter of local #1518 council #25 AFSCME-AFL-CIO
16-59 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC public service employees Local 1089 AFSCME, AFL-CIO
16-58 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and the SCC human resources clerks and specialits
16-57 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC sheriff department supervisors - COAM
16-56 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the St. Clair County Sheriff Department employees - POAM
16-55 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the Association of professional employees of the St. Clair County Prosecuting Attorney
16-54 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC professional nurse supervisors association - Michigan nurses association unit II
16-53 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Professional nurses association - Michigan nurses association unit 1
16-52 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Juvenile counselors association
16-51 Ratifying annual wage ajdustments for the FOC employees - TPOAM
16-50 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the 31st Judicial circuit court family division FOC supervisors association
16-49 Ratifying annual wage adjustmentsfor the SCC Court Bailiffs and security officers association Chapter of Local #1518 Council #25 AFSCME, AFL-CIO
16-48 Ratifying annual wage adjustments for the SCC Sheriff dept corrections deputies and professional employees teamsters local #214
16-47 Revising resoltions 10-11, 09-33,06-28, 05-31, 01-42 and 97-63 adopting new fee schedule for dog license fees & remuneration for issuing & recording
16-46 Authorizing the establishment of a capital improvement fund for capital and facility needs of the 72nd district court
16-45 Resolution pledging full faith and credit for the Meldrum Drain District 2016 Drainage district bonds
16-44 St. Clair County Board of Commissioners Retiree 13th Check
16-43 Approving purchase of property - 6651 Smiths Creek
16-42 Approving purchase of property - 6639 Smiths Creek
16-41 Approving purchase of property - 6609 Smiths Creek
16-40 Adoption of the St. Clair County master plan
16-39 Establishing compensation to be paid to members of the Department of Health and Human Service Board
16-38 Establishing compensation to be paid to members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
16-37 Establishing compensation for the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
16-36 Resolution to adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set forth in the publically funded health insurance contribution act no 152 of 2011
16-35 Adopting 2017 special revenue funds budgets, amending the 2016 general and special revenue funds budgets
16-34 Relative to annual county at large drain assessments
16-33 St. Clair County 2017 General Appropriations resolution
16-32 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County association of non-union employees (CANUE)
16-31 Establishing salaries of specific county elected and non-elected officers for 2017
16-30 Waiving investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
16-29 Relative to "Per Diems" for boards and commissions
16-28 Imposing 2016 property tax levy pursuant to public act 357 of 2004 and notice of cert of tax levy
16-27 Apportioning Taxes for 2016
16-26 Resolution authorizing 2016 general obligation limited tax refunding bonds
16-25 Operation of off road vehicles on county roads ordinance
16-24 St. Clair County International Airport - Rehabilitate Taxiway J,K & portion P amendatory contract
16-23 Pledging full faith and credit for Marine City drain district 2016 drainage district bonds
16-22 Authorizing the SCC Metropolitan planning commission to apply for U.S. EDA economic adjustment assistance funding
16-21 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission to apply for U.S. EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance Funding
16-20 Approving the annual implementation plan of the area agency on aging 1-B
16-19 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and the 72nd Judicial District Court and SCC District Court Employees
16-18 Amending resolution 09-03 County of St. Clair, MI 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
16-17 Imposing 2016 property tax levy pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of county allocated tax levy
16-16 St. Clair County Operates under the Administrator/Controller Form of Government - Re-affirming roles and responsibilities
16-15 State of Michigan Federal Surplus Assistance Program
16-14 Accept the terms of the agreement for MNRTF acquisition grant project TF15-0063 for the purchase of 38.79 acres of property of the Goodells County
16-13 Accept the terms of the agreement for MNRTF acquisition grant project 15-0064 for the purchase of 25.99 acres of property as part of the Columbus
16-12 Approving an amended Brownfield Plan by the County of St. Clair pursuant to an in accordance with the provisions of Act 381 of the PA of the State
16-11 A Resolution to Tentatively award a construction contract for Wastewater system improvments
16-10 Placing proposed Millage for drug task force on Ballot
16-09 Placing proposed renewal for St. Clair County Veteran Affairs Millage
16-08 Approving the 2016 St. Clair County Equalization Report
16-07 Resolution to submit applications to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and the MDNR Recreation Passport Grant Programs for the Construction
16-06 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and St. Clair County Communications Officers, POAM
16-05 Assigning all of St. Clair County's Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds Allocation to the State of Michigan
16-04 Placing proposed renewal for St. Clair County Parks & Recreation Millage on Ballot
16-03 Placing proposed millage for Road Improvement on the Ballot
16-02 Resolution of Support for th Goals and Objectives of the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County
16-01 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission (Blueways of St. Clair) to apply for a Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program
15-60 Community foundation of St. Clair County - St. Clair County Reverse Scholarship Fund
15-59 Appropriation of senior citizens millage funds for calendar year 2016
15-58 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOC & 31st Circuit Court Family Division & 31st Judicial Circuit Court
15-57 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOC & Professional Nurses Association
15-56 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOC & Professional nurse supervisors association
15-55 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOC & 72nd judicial district & district court employees chapter of local #1518 Council #25 AFSCME
15-54 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOC & Human resources clerks and specialists employees assoc
15-53 Ratifying collective bargaining-BOC & Sheriff & Corrections Command Officers
15-52 Ratifying Collective Bargaining - BOC & Sheriff & Sheriff Dept Corrections Deputies & professional employees teamsters local #214
15-51 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOC & Probate Court & 31st Judicial Circuit Court & Probate Court & 31st Circuit Court Family Division Clerical
15-50 Ratifying collective bargaining - BOc & 31st Judicial circuit court family & juvenile counselors assoc
15-49 Ratifying Collective Bargaining - BOC & Prosecuting Attorney & Assoc of Professional Employees of PA
15-48 Resolution to submit coastal zone management grant application for the construction of an interpretive walkway through the coastal wetland of the blue
15-47 Adopting 2016 special revenuw funds budgets, amending the 2015 general and special revenue funds budgets
15-46 Establishing Compensation to be paid to members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
15-45 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
15-44 Establishing Saleries of specific county elected and non-elected officers for 2016
15-43 Waiving investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
15-42 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
15-41 2016 General Appropriations resolutions
15-40 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC & the Sheriff of SCC and SCC Sheriff Dept employees POAM Act 312 Arbitration eligible
15-39 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and the SCC FOC and FOC Employees - TPOAM
15-38 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and the Sheriff of SCC and SCC Sheriff Dept Supervisors
15-37 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and the SCC FOC and 31st judicial circuit court family division FOC supervisors assoc
15-36 Support for Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Porgram (MLAP) Grant
15-35 Adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set forth in the publically funded health insurance contribution act no 152 of 2011
15-34 Authorizing prepayment of bonds
15-32 Fair Housing Resolution
15-31 Authorizing the Metropolitan planning commission to apply for community development block grant funds
15-29 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and SCC Circuit Court - Family Division and probate court employees association
15-28 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and the SCC Public Service Employees Local 1089
15-27 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between BOC and the SCC 31st Judicial circuit court & SCC Court Baliffs
15-26 Apportioning Taxes for 2015
15-25 St. Clair County International Airport
15-24 Amend a land acquisition grant application TF15-0063 for the purchase of 38.79 acres of property on the Pine River located in Wales Township
15-23 Amend a land acuisition grant application TF15-0064 for the Purchase of 25.99 acres of property on the Belle River located in Columbus Township
15-22 Community foundation of St. Clair County St. Clair County Reverse Scholarship fund
15-21 Authorizing the establishment of a capital improvement fund for capital & facility needs of the 72nd District Court
15-20 Imposing 2015 property tax levy pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of tax levy
15-19 Pledging limited tax full faith and credit for the Lester-Bammel drain drainage district 2015 drainage district bonds
15-16 To accept th terms of the agreement for MNRTF acquisition grant application TF14-0094 for the purchase of 9.15 acres of property on Bouvier Bay
15-15 Imposing 2015 property tax levy pursuant to public act 357 of 2004 and notice of certification of county allocated tax levy
15-14 To accept the terms of the agreement for MNRTF acquisition grant project TF14-0093 for the purchase of 2.1 acres of property as part of the Blue Water
15-13 Authority to execute documents related to the exclusive food and beverage catering agreement for the Blue Water Convention Center
15-12 For the adoption of The St. Clair County Hazard Mitigation Plan
15-11 Authority to execute and accept documents regarding the liquor license held by the SCC BOC for the Blue Water Convention Center
15-10 Resolution approving submission of coastal zone grant application for A Water Trails Field Day
15-09 Resolution in support of restoring required essential local public health services funding - Public Health
15-08 Approving the 2015 St. Clair County Equalization Report
15-07 Authorize the submission of MNRTF acquisition grant application TF15-0063 for the purchase of 38.79 Acres
15-06 Authorize the submission of MNRTF acauisition grant application TF-15-0064 for the purchase of 25.99 Acres
15-05 Authorizing Automotive Systems USA, Inc (SMR) Project Lions Application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Business Development/Job Training
15-04 Authorizing general obligation limited tax communications system refunding bonds, series 2015B
15-03 Authorizing general obligation limited tax community mental health refunding bonds, series 2015A
15-02 St. Clair County International Airport Rates and Fees
15-01 Supporting Accelerate: A plan for regional Prosperity - Economic Development Strategy and Prosperity Plan for the I069 Thumb Region
14-67 Ratifying Collective Bargaining AGreement Between the County of St. Clair BOC and 31st Judicial Circuit Court and The St. Clair County Court Baliffs
14-66 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the County of St. Clair BOC and 72nd Judicial District Crt and District Crt Employees
14-65 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The County of St. Clair BOC and the St. Clair County Public Service Employees
14-64 Approving Submission of Coastal Zone Grant Application Blueways of St. Clair Water Trails-Access signage and Brochures
14-63 Resolution to submit Coastal Zone Management Grant Application for the Construction of an Interpretive Walkway through the Coastal Wetland of the Blue
14-62 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division FOC, et al
14-61 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Extension between The County of St. Clair BOC and St. Clair County Probate Crt and 31st Judicial Circuit
14-60 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the County of St. Clair BOC and St. Clair County FOC and FOC employees TPOAM
14-59 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and the Sheriff of St. Clair County and St. Clair County Sheriff's Dept
14-58 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between The County of St. Clair BOC and St. Clair County Professional Nurse Supervisors Assoc.
14-57 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the DHS Board
14-56 Establishing Compensation for the St. Clair County BOC
14-55 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
14-54 Waiving Investment Interest Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
14-53 Adopting 2015 Special Revenue Fund Budgets, Amending the 2014 General and Special Revenue Funds budgets
14-52 St. Clair County 2015 General Appropriations Resolutions
14-51 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-union employees (CANUE)
14-50 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2015
14-49 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
14-48 To adopt the 80/20 Cost Sharing Model as set forth in the Publically funded health insurance contribution Act. NO. 152 of 2011
14-47 Relative to Annual County at Large Drain Assessments
14-46 Restoration of Alternative Fuel Tax Credit
14-45 Job Access Reverse Cummute Funding
14-44 Collective bargaining agreement extension between BOC and the Sheriff of St. Clair County and Corrections Command Offiers -COAM
14-43 Support for Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program (MLAP) Grant
14-42 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the County of St. Clair BOC and St. Clair County Professional Nurses Association-Michigan Nurses Assoc Unit 1
14-41 Apportioning Taxes for 2014
14-40 Resolution to Supersede Resolution 14-23 Purchase of Property - 318 Grand River Avenue
14-39 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between County of St. Clair BOC and SCC Human Resources Clerks and Specialists Employee Assoc
14-38 Opposing the construction of a nuclear waste repository in the Great Lakes Basin
14-37 Approving the CORS agreement between Michigan Dept of Transportation and the County of St. Clair
14-36 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Extension between BOC & the Sheriff of St. Clair County & Sheriff Department Supervisors COAM
14-35 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Extension between BOC & The Sheriff of St. Clair County & Sheriff Department Employees POAM
14-34 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Extension between BOC & 72nd Judicial District Court & District Court Employees Chapter of Local #1518
14-33 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Extension between BOC & 31st Judicial Circuit Court & Court Bailiffs & Security Officers Association
14-32 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Extension between Board of Commissioners & SCC Communications Officers POAM
14-31 Approving the Annual Implementation Plan of the Area Agency Aging 1-B
14-30 St. Clair International Airport - Rehabilitate Taxiway - J, K and Portion P - Design
14-29 St. Clair County International Airport-Rehabilitate Taxiway - South Hanger Area - Reconstruction
14-28 Resolution imposing 2013 property tax levy pursuant to public act 357 of 2004, and notice of certification of county allocated tax levy
14-27 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Land Acquisition Project Agreement - Stilson Property
14-26 Appointing commissioner Karl Tomion to the I-69 International Trade Corridor Next Michigan Development Corporation as alternate representative
14-25 Ratifying collective bargaining between BOC and Circuit Court Family Division & Juvenile Counselors Assoc
14-24 Bond authorizing resolution 2014 Capital Improvement Bonds
14-23 Approving purchase of property 318 Grand River Avenue
14-22 Pledging full faith and credit for the Lakeland Drain District 2014 Drainage District Bonds
14-21 Placing Proposed Renewal for St. Clair County Senior Millage on Ballot
14-20 In support of restoration funding for Public Health
14-19 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and the St. Clair County Prosecuting Attorney and the Assoc of Prof
14-18 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division & FOC Supervisors Assoc
14-17 Tentatively award a construction contract for wastewater system improvements
14-16 Tentatively award a construction contract for Wastewater System improvements cell 4 septage treatment unit
14-15 Tentatively award a construction contract for Wastewater system improvements Component installation
14-14 Tentatively award a construction contract for Wastewater System Improvements Septage Pump Station and Force Main
14-13 Tentatively award a construction contract for Wastewater system improvements Pipe Fabrication
14-12 Tentatively award a construction contract for Wastewater system improvements select Aggregate Supply
14-11 Supporting MI Department of Natural Resource Property Acquisition
14-10 St. Clair County Sewage Disposal System No. 1 Bonds, Series 2014
14-09 Resolution to authorize the submission of MNRTF acquisition grant application TF14-0094 for the purchase of 9.15 acres
14-08 Resolution to authorize the submission of acquisition grant application TF14-0093 for the purchase of 2.1 acres of property
14-07 Approving the 2014 St. Clair County Equalization Report
14-06 Resolution authorizing notice of intent and declaring intent to reimburse for expenditures
14-05 Placing Proposed Renewal for Library System Operating Millage on Ballot
14-04 St. Clair County International Airport Rates & Fees
14-03 Approving Purchase of Property - 6695 Smiths Creek Drive
14-02 Terminating agreement for local community navigator services with Michigan Consumers for healthcare
14-01 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between The BOC and Sheriff of SCC and Sheriff Dept Supervisors
13-43 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and St. Clair County Public Service Employees Local 1089
13-42 Ratifying Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the BOC and the St. Clair County Sheriff and The St. Clair County Sheriff Department Corrections
13-41 Appropriation of Senior Citizens Millage Funds for Calendar Year 2014
13-40 Ratifying Collective Bargaining between BOC and the 72nd District Crt and District Court Employees
13-39 Adopting 2014 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending the 2013 General and Special Revenue Funds Budgets
13-38 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
13-37 Relative to Annual County At Large Drain Assessments
13-36 Approving Annual Wage Adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
13-35 Vacant
13-34 Waiving Investment Interest Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
13-33 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
13-32 Authorizing the SAW Grant Agreement Smiths Creek Landfill Asset Management Plan
13-31 Authorizing the SAW Grant Agreement Smiths Creek Landfill RDDP Expansion Design/Engineering
13-30 Authorizing the SAW Grant Agreement Algonac WWTP Asset Management Plan
13-29 2014 General Appropriations Resolution
13-28 Allocating Revenue Sharing Payment for Employee Compensation
13-27 Vacant
13-26 Adopt the 80/20 Cost Sharing Model as Set forth in the Publically funded Health Insurance Contribution Act. No 152 of 2011
13-25 Apportioning Taxes for 2013
13-24 Supporting Senate Resolution 50 Regarding Proposed Underground Nuclear Waste Repository
13-23 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between County of St. Clair BOC & 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division & Clerical Employees
13-22 Ratifying collective bargaining agreement between the County of St. Clair BOC and 31st Judicial Circuit Court Family Division & Family Division Superv
13-21 Amending MNRTF acquisition grant application #13-106 for the purchase of 9.4 acers of property along the north channel
13-20 Supporting the Submission of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Partnership Planning Grant Application by the I-69 International Trade
13-19 Endorsement of St. Clair County Health Department Strategic Plan
13-18 Authorizing S2 Grant Agreement
13-17 Approving the Annual Implementation Plan of the Area Agency on Aging 1-B
13-16 Final Project Plan for Wastewater System improvements and designating an authorized project representative
13-15 Final Project Plan for Wastewater System Improvements and Designating an Authorized Project Representative
13-14 Adopting the execution of the Sponsor contract by the SCC BOC, of Port Huron, MI and the Department of Transportation for the purpose of obtaining fed
13-13 Implementing last best offer between The Couty of St. Clair Board of County Commissioners & 31st Judicial Circuit Crt Family Divison
13-12 Imposing 2013 Property Tax Levy Pursuan to PA 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tex Levy
13-11 Performance resolution for governmental agencies
13-10 Approving surcharge to 911 plan
13-09 Proposed Framework for Blue Water Area Transit's Involvement with the Harsens Island Ferry
13-08 Vacant
13-07 Approving the 2013 St. Clair County Equalization Report
13-06 Supporting the Submission of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Partnership Planning Grant Application by the I-69 International Trade
13-05 Authorizing 2013 limited tax general obligation refunding bonds
13-04 Approving purchase of property 275 Airport Dr & 295 27 Airport Dr
13-03 Land acquisition grant application for the purchase of 9.4 acres of property along the north channel of the St. Clair River located in Clay Township
13-02 Approving Purchase of Property - 295 N. Airport Drive
13-01 Setting criminal indigent defense counsel rate of pay for St. Clair County Circuit and District Courts
12-49 Support for Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program (MLAP) Grant
12-48 Appropriation of Senior Citizens Millage Funds for Calendar Year 2013
12-47 An Ordinance Amending Parts of the St. Clair County Employees' Retirement System Ordinance
12-44 Authorizing the S2 Grant Agreement
12-43 St. Clair County 2013 General Appropriations Resolution
12-42 Adopting 2013 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, Amending 2012 General and Special Revenue Funds Budget
12-41 Establishing Compensation to the Paid to Members of the Department of Human Service Board
12-40 Establishing Compensation for the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
12-39 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
12-38 Relative to Annual County at Large Drain Assessments
12-37 Approving annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
12-36 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2013
12-35 Waiving Investment Interest Earned on Taxes Collected by Local Units
12-34 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
12-33 Adopting Collective Bargaining Agreement between BOC & FOC and FOC S.E. I. U.
12-32 Adopting Collective Bargaining Agreement BOC & Communications Officers POAM
12-31 Adopting Collective Bargaining Between BOC and 31st Judicial Crt & Probate Crt & Circuit Crt Family Division
12-30 Apportioning Taxes for 2012
12-29 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Grant - Blue Water River Walk Expansion
12-28 Michigan Liquor Control Commission Issuance of Liquor License for Convention Center
12-27 SCC International Airport Operation & Maintenance of Automatic Weather Observation System
12-26 Authorizing Closing Authority for Documents Pertaining to the St. Clair County Convention Center
12-25 To adopt the 80/20 cost sharing model as set for in the publically funded health insurance contribution act no. 152 of 2011
12-24 Placing Proposed Millage Renewal for Drug Task Force on Ballot
12-23 St. Clair County International Airport Design for the Rehabilitation of the East Hangar Area Taxiways
12-22 Board of County Commissioners and Court Baliffs and Security Officers Association AFSCME #1518
12-21 Approving the Annual Implementation Plan of the Area of Agency on Aging 1-B
12-20 2012 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tax Levy
12-19 Supporting H.R. 4310 - National Defense Authorization Act
12-18 Ordinance Amending a Part of the St. Clair County Employees' Retirement System
12-17 Opposing Governor Snyder's Revenue Sharing Recommendations
12-16 State of Michigan Federal Surplus Assistance Program
12-15 Approving the 2012 St. Clair County Equalization Report
12-14 Unclaimed Stolen Property in the Possession of the St. Clair County Sheriff Department
12-13 Authorizing 2012 General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds
12-12 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission to Apply for 2012 County Allocation Grant
12-11 Opposing the Proposed Elimination of the 107th Fighter Squadron at the Selfridge Air National Guard Base
12-10 Authorizing the Metropolitan Planning Commission to apply for 2012 County Allocation Grant
12-09 Placing proposed millage for the St. Clair Conservation District
12-08 Placing Proposed Increase for St. Clair County Senior Millage on Ballot
12-07 Placing Proposed Millage for Road Improvement on the Ballot
12-05 Authorizing 2012 General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding Bonds
12-04 St. Clair County Board of Commissioners Adoption of County Master Recreation Plan 2012-2016
12-03 Resolution to Create Retiree Health Care Benefit Fund (Amending Resolution 06-17)
12-02 Authorizing Notice of Intent and Declaring Intent to Reimburse for Expenditures
12-01 To Add Equipment to the Michigan Public Service Communications System Site 2402 in Lakeport MI
11-54 Adoption of the St. Clair County Metropolitan Planning Commission Ordinance
11-53 Airport Layout Plan Update - Phase 2
11-52 Animal Control and Protection Ordinance
11-51 Revising Resolutions 10-11, 09-33,06-28, 05-31, 01-42, and 97-63 adopting new few schedule for dog license fees and remuneration for issuing
11-50 Adopting 2012 Special Revenue Funds Budgets, amending 2011 general and special revenue funds
11-49 Establishing Compensation to be Paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
11-48 Annual Wage Adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
11-47 Establishing Salaries of Specifi County Elected and Non-Elected Officers for 2012
11-46 Waiving Investment interest earned on taxes collected by local units
11-45 Interlocal Agreement Creating the I-69 International Trade Corridor Next Michigan Development Corp
11-43 Annual County At Large Drain Assessments
11-42 Relative to "Per Diems" for Boards and Commissions
11-40 Imposing 2011 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to PA 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tax Levy
11-39 St. Clair County 2012 General Appropriations Resolution
11-38 Appropriation of Senior Citizens Millage Funds for Calendar Year 2012
11-36 Apportioning Taxes for 2011
11-35 Department of Transportation National Infrastructure Investment TIGER Discretionary Grant
11-33 Amendment Land Acquisition Grant Application for the Purchase of 2.75 Acres of Property on the St Clair River located in City of Port Huron
11-32 Authorizing the S2 Grant Agreement
11-31 St. Clair County International Airport
11-30 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Sheriff Dept. Supervisors COAM
11-28 Annual Implementation Plan Area Agency on Aging 1-B
11-27 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Sheriff Dept. Corrections Deputies and Professional Employees
11-26 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Prosecuting Attorney & Professional Employees of Prosecutors
11-25 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Juvenile Counselors Assoc.
11-24 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Communications Officers POAM
11-23 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Sheriff Dept. Supervisors COAM
11-22 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & AFSCME 1089
11-21 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Family Div. & Court Employees
11-20 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Nurses Assoc. Unit I
11-19 Bargaining Agreement BOC & COAM
11-18 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & 72nd District Court
11-17 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & Nurses Assoc. Unit II
11-16 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & FOC Supervisors
11-15 Bargaining Agreement between BOC & TPOAM
11-14 Pledge full faith and credit for the Pelton Drain - 2011 Drainage District Bonds
11-13 Order and Determination Approving the Detachment of Certain Land from the City of Yale to Brockway Township
11-11 2011 Property Tax Levy
11-05 SCC International Airport design for rehabilitation of the East Hanger Area Taxiways
11-04 Submit land acquisition grant application for the purchase of 2.75 acres of property on the St. Clair River located in the City of PH for development
11-03 Adopt Monthly 9-1-1 Surcharge within St. Clair County
11-02 Vacant
11-01 Regarding the Karegnondi Water Authority
10-43 Relative to Annual County at Large Drain Assessment
10-42 Accepting a Michigan Lighthouse Assistance Program (MLAP) Grant for the Fort Gratiot Light Station
10-41 Authorizing the Establishment of a Capital Improvement Fund for capital and facility needs of the 72nd District Court
10-40 Imposing 2010 Property Tax Levy Pursuant to Public Act 357 of 2004, and Notice of Certification of County Allocated Tax Levy
10-39 Vacant
10-38 Adopting 2011 Special Revenue Funds Budgets and Amending the 2010 General and Specific Revenue Funds Budgets
10-37 St. Clair County 2011 General Appropriation Resolution
10-36 Approving Annual wage adjustments for the County Association of Non-Union Employees (CANUE)
10-35 Establishing Compensation for the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners
10-34 Establishing Compensation to be paid to Members of the Department of Human Service Board
10-33 Establishing Salaries of Specific County Elected and Nonelected Officers for 2010
10-32 Establishing Compensation to be paid to Members of the St. Clair County Road Commission
10-31 Waiving Investment Earned on Taxes collected by Local Units
10-30 Relative to Per Diems for Boards and Commissions
10-29 Appropriation of Senior Citizens MIllage Funds for Calendar Year 2011
10-28 Pledging Full Faith & Credit for the Prompt Repayment of Principal & Interest on the Richmond Columbus Intercounty Drain notes, 2010
10-27 Apportioning Taxes for 2010
10-26 Resolution Allocating Recovery Zone Facility Bond Volume Cap
10-25 Revising Resolution 81-44 for the Allocation of the Senior Citizens Millage
10-24 Authorizing Repayment of Bonds
10-23 Area Agency on Aging 1-B 2010 Implementation Plan
10-22 Vacant
10-21 Designating St. Clair County as a Recovery Zone
10-20 Certification of Authority to acquire Fort Gratiot Light Station
10-19 St. Clair County Animal Control and Protection Ordinance
10-18 Imposing 2010 Property Tax Levy
10-17 U. S. Bike Route 20 – Support by the County of St. Clair Board of Commissioners
10-16 St. Clair County International Airport
10-15 Support for Michigan Lighthouse assistance Program Grant
10-14 Revising Resolution 10-07
10-13 Amending 2010 General Fund Budget and Certain Special Revenue Fund budgets
10-12 SEMCOG Sustainable community Recognition Program
10-11 Revising Res.09-33, 06-28, 05-31,01-42 and 97-63 Adopting New Fee Schedule for Dog License Fees and Renumeration For Issuing and Recording Dog License
10-10 County of St. Clair Ordinance MOTOR VEHICLE AXLE WEIGHT ORDINANCE
10-09 County of St. Clair Ordinance COMMERCIAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY
10-08 St. Clair County Senior Millage on Ballot
10-07 State of Michigan Federal Surplus Assistance Program
10-06 Setting Fee Schedule For Services at the Sheriff’s Office Intervention Center
10-05 Placing Proposed Operating Millage for the St. Clair Conservation District on Ballot
10-04 Vacant
10-03 County of St, Clair Ordinance Trespassing on County Owned Property
10-02 Support of the Final Report of the Legislative Commission on Statutory Mandates - December 2009
10-01 Placing Proposed Renewal for St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Millage on Ballot
09-00 2009 Resolutions
08-00 2008 Resolutions
07-00 2007 Resolutions
06-00 2006 Resolutions
05-00 2005 Resolutions
04-00 2004 Resolutions
03-00 2003 Resolutions
02-00 2002 Resolutions
01-00 2001 Resolutions
00-00 2000 Resolutions
99-00 1999 Resolutions
98-00 1998 Resolutions
97-00 1997 Resolutions
96-00 1996 Resolutions
95-00 1995 Resolutions
94-00 1994 Resolutions
93-00 1993 Resolutions
92-00 1992 Resolutions
91-00 1991 Resolutions
90-00 1990 Resolutions